Sunday, May 13, 2012

4:1 UNUN from Balun Designs

We forgot to check the mail yesterday so my son just went and got the mail and to my surprise my 4:1unun from Balun Designs came in. This was needed to be able to run the amp on the S9 vertical as the current LDG unun only can handle 200 watts. What a incredible unun ... This thing is so well built I am speechless ... I could have not done a better job myself.  So if you are looking for a balun or unun checkout and they are way cheaper than DX Engineering..... You will not be disappointed ....

Morse Code and Vibroplex Iambic Standard

A few days ago some of the folks on .52 here in Phoenix were talking about code and one of the guys started to send some code over. I made the statement that I could never do code and that my brain was way too slow for that. After a round table about it for a while and one of the guys showing me some of the easy letters and how it can come together rather quickly I started thinking. So I asked some of the more experienced code guys what they would recommend and most had either a Bencher or a Vibroplex iambic keyer. I had no idea the difference between a bug, straight key or an iambic, so after many questions later and some research on the net I know know that the iambic is the way to go for me. Now one ham was very adamant about the Vibroplex and the quality of these keys so I took a look at the keys and the company and made the decision that this was the route I was going to go. So on Friday I stopped by HRO and picked up a Vibroplex Iambic Standard and a premade cable. Connecting it was fairly easy but I had to go though the 590 manual to figure out some of the settings but I think I have a handle on that now. Now its off to learn code as of today I can sent K7 and I get lost on the rest of my call ... learning this is going to be a challenge and that's what its about


How I tune my Ameritron AL-80B

For a new ham tuning your first amplifier can be a bit of a daunting task. I searched high and low on the net looking for instructions on how to tune my new Ameritron AL-80B and Palstar AT2K manual antenna tuner . I did find some videos on youtube from Ameritron tuning a different model but it sure helped me search youtube and check them out. So I just want to run through the steps here just so you have an idea of how my setup works. Your mileage may very and by no way take anything below as gospel because in reality I have no idea what I am doing (not really well maybe :P) ....

  • Make sure all you equipment is on, amp is in standby, correct band on amp is selected, receiver tuned to an unused portion of the band.
  • Place radio in cw mode lower power to 15 watts key up and adjust tuner for lowest swr, then raise power to max check swr and readjust as needed.
  • Verify that your ALC is set per the manual if you have it connected
  • Lower power back down to 15 watts turn amp to transmit and adjust the plate and load per the manual. (I skip this step due to I have recorded initial settings for the amp) 
  • Raise power to max that you want to drive the amp with (I do 70 watts) and key up adjusting the plate then load then plate for max watt output.
And that's it return to ssb mode and go for it make sure you readings on your amp, radio and swr meter (if you have one connected) are where they should be and go for it. 
I have made a spreadsheet that I use (pic below) for my initial settings that get me very close to my final settings. I would suggest this to anyone who is new to this make a cheat sheet it could save you time and possibly damage to your amp. 
Until next time 